Edited by David Marcum

David Marcum plays The Game with deadly seriousness. He first discovered Sherlock Holmes in 1975 at the age of ten, and since that time, he has collected, read, and chronologicized literally thousands of traditional Holmes pastiches in the form of novels, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies and scripts, comics, fan-fiction, and unpublished manuscripts.

He has edited over sixty books, most Sherlockian-related anthologies, and is the author of nearly 90 Sherlockian pastiches (so far), some published in anthologies and others collected in his own books, “The Papers of Sherlock Holmes”, “Sherlock Holmes and A Quantity of Debt”, and “Sherlock Holmes – Tangled Skeins”. He has edited over 800 Holmes pastiches and over sixty books, including several dozen traditional Sherlockian anthologies, including the ongoing series “The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories”, which he created in 2015. This collection is now up to 30 volumes, with several more in preparation.

He was responsible for bringing back August Derleth’s Solar Pons for a new generation, first with his collection of authorized Pons stories, “The Papers of Solar Pons”, and then by editing the reissued authorized versions of the original Pons books. He is now doing the same for the adventures of Dr. Thorndyke.

Jaico Books Author

Books by Edited by David Marcum