Julia A. B. Hegewald

JULIA A. B. HEGEWALD graduated from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, from where she obtained a PhD, and is now Professor and Head of the Department of Asian and Islamic Art History at the University of Bonn. Between 2002 and 2014, she was Director of the Emmy Noether Research Project on Jainism in Karnataka. She is the author of Water Architecture in South Asia: A Study of Types, Developments and Meanings (Leiden 2002); Jaina Temple Architecture in India: The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual (Berlin 2009; Mumbai 2018); and the editor of The Jaina Heritage: Distinction, Decline and Resilience (New Delhi 2011).

SURENDRA KUMAR is a photographer based in Hampi, Karnataka, specialising in topographic views and architectural documentation. His images have been published in Discovering the Deccan: A Panoramic Journey Through Historical Landscapes and Monuments (Mumbai 2011), Temple Architecture and Art of the Early Chalukyas (New Delhi 2014), and Lepakshi: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting (New Delhi 2019). He has provided images for many guidebooks in this series, including The Hoysala Legacy: Belur, Halebidu, Somanathapura (2019).

Books by Julia A. B. Hegewald