The Prophet

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The Prophet is Kahlil Gibran’s best and most powerful work ever written....

This is Khalil Gibran’s best and most powerful work ever-written…. Blending the elements of Eastern and Western mysticism, Lebanese – American essayist – Khalil Gibran, in this enriching collection of parables expounds the philosophy of living conveying a strong and beautiful message on every aspect of life. Set forth in the form of profound wisdom and philosophy of life, these discourses apply dynamically with amazing timeliness to our human problems in day-to-day life. Millions of followers today absorb Gibran’s writings with religious devotion and fervours because his thoughts are ageless and realistic.

  • Genre Classics
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 128 pages
  • Release Date 25-Jul-1988
  • ISBN 13 978-81-7224-097-4

Original price was: ₹135.Current price is: ₹122. 10% off

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About the Author

Kahlil Gibran

Poet, artist, and mystic, Kahlil Gibran was born in 1883 to a poor Christian family in Lebanon and immigrated to the United States as an adolescent. His masterpiece The Prophet has sold millions of copies in more than twenty languages. He wrote seventeen books, nine in Arabic and eight in English.