God’s Message to the World

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If we’ve got god all wrong, we’ve got everything else wrong, too. Is it possible that everything we think we know about god, and what god wants, is wrong?

In direct and spiritually challenging language, Walsch exposes the many ways in which he believes that humanity completely misunderstands God. He describes in clear terms how the world could change overnight if humans accurately comprehended what God is, what God wants, who they are in relation to that, and to each other. Walsch calls this the Missing Data, which if ever embraced and acted on by our species, would create a spiritual revolution across the globe, bringing humanity both inner and outer peace at last.

Does anybody care why our species has been such a failure? Does anybody imagine it has not been? Does anybody want to know how this whole situation can be turned around in the virtual blink of an eye? If you do care about those questions, then you will read this book.

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About the Author

Neale Donald Walsch

NEALE DONALD WALSCH is an author of internationally bestselling books on spirituality and personal development. His books have sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 37 languages. Walsch lives in Ashland , Oregon, USA.

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