Life Balance The Sufi Way

Based on the authors’ combined 50 years of experience, Life Balance the Sufi Way brings a fresh perspective to why most people are overworked, yet under-utilized. The book reflects on Eastern philosophies emphasizing reflection, silence and going with the flow, and interweaves them with Western ideas of excellence, efficiency and effectiveness to invite balance into our lives.

Life Balance the Sufi Way illustrates that life balance is a choice each one of us makes – circumstances do not determine life balance!

  • Genre Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 296 pages
  • Release Date 8-Nov-2007
  • ISBN 13 978-81-7992-677-2

“We can choose to balance our lives; and the practical information
in this book will help enormously.”

DR. Ken Blanchard

“What good would it be if you are a success in business but a failure in life?Azim and Nido show you that if you have a choice between success andbalance, choose balance because there is no success without balance.aaree with them. Great book!”

Jack Canflied Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and The Success Principles

“My friends Azim Jamal and Nido Qubein have tackled the important subjectof life balance in a simple, practical and inspiring way. Life Balance The SufiWay is full of wisdom. | highly recommend it.”

Robin Sharmabestselling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

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About the Authors

Azim Jamal

AZIM JAMAL is one of the finest inspirational life-altering personalities with a global following. He is the CEO and founder of Corporate Sufi Worldwide, whose mission is to inspire individuals and corporations to unleash the power within and find harmony between Business, Balance and Beyond.

Nido Qubein

AZIM JAMAL is one of the finest inspirational life-altering personalities with a global following. He is the CEO and founder of Corporate Sufi Worldwide, whose mission is to inspire individuals and corporations to unleash the power within and find harmony between Business, Balance and Beyond.