The Power of Relentless

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• Supercharge your career?
• Grow your business beyond your wildest dreams?
• Turn your life up to eleven?

Learn the secrets of success from “Mr. Relentless” himself. Capitalist evangelist Wayne Allyn Root reveals the seven principles of relentless that will take you to a level you never imagined:
• Relentless HEART—the secret Wayne learned from his dying mother
• Relentless CHUTZPAH—how to never take “No” for an answer
• Relentless AMBITION and GOAL-SETTING—positive thinking is only the first part of the equation
• Relentless PREPARATION—Wayne reveals his Relentless Triad—the daily action plan that will change your life by 9:00 a.m.
• Relentless BRANDING—learn from Floyd “Money” Mayweather, “Broadway Joe” Namath, and Wayne to use the magic of branding
• Relentless STORYTELLING—how the power of video can make your business or career explode
• Relentless AGGRESSIVE ACTION—how to hunt, hound, pitch, promote, market, and sell your way to breakout success

As an added bonus, Wayne reveals the twelve “Positive Addictions” that give him the non-stop energy to put these seven principles of relentless into action all day, every day—with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.

  • Genre Business, Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 272 pages
  • Release Date 15-Feb-2023
  • ISBN 13 978-93-89305-58-6

Original price was: ₹399.Current price is: ₹359. 10% off

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About the Author

Wayne Allyn Root

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT is “Mr. Relentless.” The media call him “the Capitalist Evangelist.” He is a bestselling author, reality TV producer, serial entrepreneur, former vice presidential nominee, and business speaker on the international circuit. He is spokesman and rainmaker for companies all over the world.