The Laws of the Sun

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What is the nature of spirit and soul? What are the universal spiritual laws and how can we learn to live in harmony with them? What really happens when we die?

In this powerful book, author and teacher Ryuho Okawa reveals the transcendent nature of consciousness and the secrets of our multidimensional universe and our place in it. By understanding the natural laws of the universe and following the Buddhist Eightfold Path, he believes we can speed up our eternal process of development. The Laws of the Sun shows the way to realize true happiness, a happiness that continues from this world through the other. The books modern interpretation of traditional Buddhist teachings addresses many vital issues including how our thoughts influence reality and the different stages of spiritual and human love.

  • Genre Self-Help
  • Language English
  • Format Paperback
  • Page Count 256 pages
  • Release Date 29-Oct-2013
  • ISBN 13 978-81-8495-753-2

Original price was: ₹399.Current price is: ₹359. 10% off

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About the Author

Ryuho Okawa

A spiritual leader, contemporary visionary and founder of Happy Science, Ryuho Okawa has devoted his life to the Truth and ways to happiness. Born in 1956 in Japan, Okawa studied law in Tokyo and then international finance in New York. In 1986, he renounced his business career at a major Japanese trading house and established Happy Science. In 1987, he established the IRH Press Co. Ltd. Since then, Okawa has published over 2,700 books including bestselling titles such as The Laws of the Sun, The Golden Laws and The Laws of Eternity."