The MI6 and Other British Spies

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Immortalized in popular culture by the James Bond novels and movies, unearth the actual nature of the job of a British secret service agent and the evolution of the agency over the ages.

The Secret Service Bureau, the official British intelligence organization was established in 1909. Now known as MI6, this organization has seen the evolution of espionage. Today, they concentrate their efforts in uncovering secrets related to wars in places like Kuwait and Iraq, combating terrorism and getting to the roots of the attacks on the London public transit system in 2005. British spy agencies collaborate with other intelligence agencies, mostly to combat terrorism.

Real life British spies have been recruited from diverse professions such as John Dee, the astrologer and mathematician, adviser to Queen Elizabeth I or Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting Movement, children’s writer Roald Dahl who was a Royal Air Force pilot before joining the secret service.

Delve into the fascinating secrets of working for Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service with tales from spies and tactical matters resolved with their assistance.


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About the Author

Michael E. Goodman

Michael E. Goodman was born in Savannah, Georgia. He attended Yale University and graduate school at Brown University. He began as a high school English teacher in Providence, RI, and Teaneck, NJ, before turning to writing and editing and serving as an executive in corporate communications. He is a former senior editor at Scholastic and Prentice-Hall and executive editor at Peoples Education.